It has been an opportunity to explore, reflect and practice some of the theoretical aspects of Leadership and gain a wider perspective on school improvement.
It has opened up a huge range of learning opportunities form readings and seminars to podcasts. Doing the programme has allowed me to give myself valuable CPD time
Having the time to stop and look at the theory behind what we are doing. It has validated a lot of my decisions and has given me more confidence.
I am learning so much about myself as a leader and about leadership overall. Networking with colleagues is great and I am fully supported by the NCE team.
enjoying the learning content and the ability to look at so many different topics that are relevant to my current and future work
Challenge of reading outside and beyond education and then relating it to our field.
Learning new knowledge and skills that support me in my role as a senior leader.
Just the amazing ideas that I've been exposed to that have led me to further reading and expanded my horizons
Fantastic speakers on the learning days. Interesting topics and learning is centered on your role, it's not all theoretical.
Learning so many new things and being able to see them translate into day to day practice through the apprenticeship tasks.
The fact that this is not just validation of my existing knowledge. I am learning a lot and are able to use this learning in day to day work.
developing my knowledge and understanding in aspects of leadership I had never considered before. Really opening my eyes to a world of knowledge
A real in-depth look at key areas of leadership that helps hit the nail on the head.
With each new piece of learning, I feel empowered.
I love listening to all of the experts and soaking in their knowledge.
The professional learning days and the podcasts. I would also say that the support from my PLM has been outstanding.
The opportunity to expand my understanding of strategic leadership theory and how I can apply it to my own practice.
Having access to people who are in education and having them share their experiences and insights
Meeting other leaders in different school settings
Time to breathe, step back and think about my own practice.
I have felt empowered to be confident about my work.
The online residential days. The speakers are brilliant and leave all with lots to digest.
Quality of Knowledge Seminars
Listening to experts!
The range of reading, and sharing ideas with colleagues in break out rooms and on WhatsApp
The space,, chance and focus on learning beyond my comfort zone.
The depth of knowledge and opportunities for self-reflection
Completing the reading to learn more and listening to the podcast discussions
Listening to inspirational speakers such as Vivienne Porritt and Diana Osagie
Having such an invested and motivational tutor. Rachel is incredible.
Understanding the theory that supports my instincts as a leader.
The live lecture by Sir David Carter - it was first-class.
I enjoy the academic professional learning days where the teaching has a been excellent
Learning so much about effective ways to develop my leadership practice
The knowledge I am constantly gaining and the excellent support
Great speakers and lots of good books that make you think
I am loving the new learning
Learning things that make me rethink my practice.
Thought provoking and academically challenging
The Professional Learning Days and the book club sessions.
support from Mark Ellis is excellent and the materials and PL days are well thought out and relevant
The depth of knowledge and support from many different schools of thought beyond education
The virtual residential days where you get to network just a little and hear other perspectives and ideas. Podcasts also great way to absorb information.
Accessing high quality speakers and reading materials
The readings and the seminars are brilliant. Really enjoy them
The quality of tutors and lecturers has been a real highlight.
The academic learning. The support from the NCE has been excellent.
The level of support from SLT tutors, thought-provoking lectures and resources to make you question your everyday practice.
The podcast and book club sessions gives me some kind of normality. I also enjoy the workshop sessions too.
Quality of training and reading leading to enhanced, reflective practice
Communicating and learning with other senior leaders.
Building my confidence
I love the PLDs, with such high quality speakers and the NCE podcasts.
Inspirational NCE team and speakers
The support of the Tutors.
Excellent support from my tutor Rachel
Personal reflection based on literature
Listening to experts share their experience
Challenging thinking around leadership
Being exposed to insights from other professionals and literature
Listening to the speakers during the online learning
Knowledge skills and the readings
Ease of access to materials
Support from the senior tutor through regular zoom meetings, podcasts and book clubs.
To high quality tutors, presenters, materials and support
The challenge!
Professional learning days and tutor support
The way it challenges my thinking
The brilliant range of speakers at the seminars and the personalised approach from my tutor Mark Ellis.
The wealth of new ideas that I have picked up
Tutor Support, Mark Ellis and Mia Jones have been fantastic.
The support offered by the tutors
The wider learning and affirmation of what is working successfully in school.
Excellent range of speakers and superb support from James Potter
The live days when we have had a chance to 'meet' tutors etc
The support from Mark Ellis and Nick Heard
Excellent professional learning days and support from tutors.
deepening my understanding in aspects of leadership